Educators, learn how to take back full control of your time BY TOMORROW!
Are you on the fast track towards teacher burn out? Are you tired of saying "yes" to extra duties and ridiculous parent requests so that you leave campus late every day, with zero energy left for your family and hobbies?
Does Any of This Sound Familiar?
You love teaching but you are tired of being "teacher tired"
In your mind, you "love" teaching. But in reality, you are tired of being overcommitted, overwhelmed, and constantly stressed. You are starting to wonder if your passion for education is sustainable. It feels like there's never time to catch a breath, and it's only getting worse.
You are guilt-ridden that your family and your personal priorities come "last"
No level of parent guilt compares to knowing you expend so much of your time and energy on helping other people's children that you come home depleted and impatient with your own. You have no time or energy to "enjoy" life outside of school or spend time taking care of yourself.
The worst part is you know you should say "no" more, but you don't know how
So many things that consume your time go beyond your contractual obligations. Still, you lack the confidence and comfort level to set boundaries in a "professional" way for fear of being judged as lazy, inflexible, or not being a "team player." Cue the guilt trip - "It's for the kids!"
"I love the scripts and step-by-step instructions"

Jess M., School Counselor
Quick with great actionable steps. The course is set up in a way that is easily digestible and you can get through it quickly. I love the scripts and step-by-step instructions for how to have conversations to enforce your boundaries. Highly recommend!

Art of Saying No Bootcamp + one evening =
Everything You Need to Take Back Control of Your Time Effective Immediately!
Did you know the average teacher in the United States works between 12-15 hours of UNPAID OVERTIME a week? That's equivalent to 13.5 entire work weeks!
Unless you want to be the next victim of teacher burn out, you need to STOP THIS INSANITY!
Maybe you've thought: Saying "no" more sounds great, but you don't know how to go about it. People pleasing is hardwired in your DNA. I feel you!
In under two hours I can help you fix this problem!
"This has helped not only at school but also in my personal relationships."

Beatriz F., Veteran Teacher
The course material is well-structured and so easy to follow. I love the sample scripts for different scenarios. I really needed the mindset piece and helping reframe why we are so reluctant to set boundaries in education. It's toxic! This has helped not only at school but also in my personal relationships.
At the end of The Art of Saying No for Educators you will have:
-1- CLARITY You'll be crystal clear on how to say "no" GUILT-FREE to administrators and pushy parents.
-2- CONFIDENCE to use the proven scripts (with a pinch of secret sauce) to decline in a professional way that no administrator could object to.
-3- KNOWING exactly how to set boundaries in ways that will strengthen and nurture relationships (even if your natural instinct is to avoid conflict like the plague).
-4- THE JOY of knowing you can take back control of your time and get off the teacher burnout bus for good!
-5- THE SATISFACTION of knowing that you can prioritize being present with your family, at last (they'll be sending me a thank you note!)
Never again having to see the look of disappointment that you missed one of your children's after school activities.
Having the "magic scripts" at your fingertips so that you feel confident in declining requests in a proven, professional way.
- No longer counting the days until break like it's a prison sentence (we've all been there!)
Never again feeling the resentment of sitting on some committee you hate, especially if it's one you felt pressured into "volunteering" for.
"Every educator could use this!"

Shelly M., Veteran SLP
Full of helpful strategies for any school professional who feels overburdened and/or imposed upon. Strategies come with multiple scripts and examples for a variety of school scenarios. Every educator could use this!
Let's Find Out!
Perfect for you if:
- You crave a more balanced life where you leave school each day guilt free
- You are tired of arguing with your family that you need to "work late" again
- You're overwhelmed by everything you have to do, but don't know how to professionally set limits
- You find yourself resentful about how all-consuming teaching is - you want to stop living for the weekend/next break/retirement
- You know teaching would be more rewarding if you weren't always so over committed and exhausted
- You are ready to learn and take action!
Not for you if:
- You're OK with working 12 hours a day because your people pleasing heart gets the better of you, even if that means missing your kid's baseball game (again!)
- You've already decided that "Nothing works for me!"
- You have bought into the teacher "martyr" myth and believe teachers aren't destined to have a balanced life
- You aren't willing to take simple steps to improve your teaching experience and protect yourself from burnout
Let's Take a Look at What's Inside
Lesson 1: Mindset
Learn why protecting our energy is so important and the power of a "positive no." Shift your mindset to why "no" can be a positive thing.
Lesson 2: Overcoming Misconceptions
Bust through the misconceptions that stop you from setting healthy boundaries so you can move forward guilt free.
Lesson 3: Boundary Setting Basics
Learn the rules of engagement to have confidence and a roadmap for when, how, and with whom to initiate conversations. These "rules" can transform how you show up in every relationship in your life.
Lesson 4: School- Based Scenarios & Scripts - Saying "No" to Admins
Discover the proven strategies and scripts to set boundaries with the constant demands from your administrators and other school professionals. Learn the "secret sauce" that protects you from any criticism and fear of being perceived as lazy or "not a team player".
Lesson 5: School- Based Scenarios & Scripts - Saying "No" to Co-Workers
Gain confidence and clarity with setting boundaries with your peers. Learn how to handle demanding, inappropriate, or toxically negative colleagues.
Lesson 6: School- Based Scenarios & Scripts - Saying "No" to Parents
What about parents who demand instant and unscheduled attention or have unrealistic demands? Learn how to handle them with professionalism and grace.
BONUS 1: The Chronic Volunteer
What if in addition to not saying "no" enough, you actually volunteer (all the time)? In this bonus video lesson you will learn the pitfalls of this approach and why you're taking on and managing so many duties may result from "over functioning."
BONUS 2: Scripts at a Glance
Scripts at your fingertips so that you are never at a loss for what to say again!
BONUS 3: Workbook
Simple exercises to help you synthesize what you learn and turn it into ACTION!
How Learning This Changed MY Life ...
Hi, I'm Grace and I was the crazy lady who gave up a super cushy corporate career to be a public school teacher, and dedicated 20 years to my students and my passion.
After years of anxiety, depression, and burnout in the corporate world, teaching was like a breath of fresh air! Teaching was a joy - and easy. Until it wasn't.
Pretty soon, I was overwhelmed and back on the road to burnout. I realized I didn't need to change careers again; I needed to change ME.
I did a deep dive into NLP, neuroplasticity, positive psychology, and cognitive-behavioral therapy. I learned how to hack my mindset with simple habits to put joy back in my classroom and my life.
These new skills literally changed my life. In 2018, I turned those habits into a best-selling book, "Positive Mindset Habits for Teachers."
When teachers ask me what ONE SKILL can help them have a MORE POSITIVE TEACHING & LIFE EXPERIENCE I always tell them quit the people pleasing and learn to set healthy boundaries!
If I could learn to set better boundaries, anyone can! I've cut out all the fluff and put the best of what I know into this short, actionable boot camp. I went from overwhelmed and over committed to feeling calm and in control of my time and energy. Let me help you do the same!

IMMEDIATE ACCESS to Everything You Need to Take Back Control of Your Time
#1 Seven Short & Spicy Video Lessons
(Yes, you really can knock it out in an evening!)
#2 Complete Workbook
I know how busy you are - cut to the short exercises to help you gain clarity on where you can make the quickest wins.
#3 Grab & Go Scripts
Never be at a loss of what to say again!
#4 Lifetime Access to the Lessons
For the lifetime of this course, you pay once & use again and again (even if I add updates)
#5 Watch on the go!
Use the course platform App on your phone or tablet to have easy access to all the lessons. Or watch on your PC. Hassle -free options for your busy life.
Yes! A 100% Happiness Guarantee
This product has a 14 day money back guarantee. If you go through the training and are not satisfied I will refund your money. See terms and conditions.