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Are you passionate about education but tired of how stressful and mentally exhausting teaching is? 


You Need This!


Protecting Your Peace for Educators : 

How to Preserve Your Mental & Emotional Energy Inside & Outside the Classroom

Yes, I Need to Relieve Teacher Stress!
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" I recommend this course to anyone who is feeling overwhelmed and surrounded by negativity."

Kim G., Veteran Teacher

I was skeptical that I could learn enough in one evening to  make a difference - but my whole mindset about taking back control of my experience changed. The exercises were particularly eye-opening! I recommend this course to anyone who is feeling overwhelmed and surrounded by negativity.

Does Any of This Sound Familiar?


The pressures of teaching are beginning to take a toll on your mental, emotional and physical health 

You love your students and the idea of teaching. But in reality, you are tired of being overwhelmed and constantly stressed. You are starting to feel that things are only getting worse, and that teaching long term may no longer be "worth it." 


Even when you do manage to leave campus on time, your mind is still busy worrying about school

The mental load of teaching is exhausting you and robbing you of sleep. You can't remember the last time you felt passion for hobbies or other areas of your life. Your family is frustrated that you have little energy for them. Even when you are home you worry about students.


You are tired of hearing about "self-care" and want practical, proven strategies  (no one has time to drag out a yoga mat!)

You need simple tools to help you feel back in control of your energy. Being in the classroom feels like a constant assault on your nervous system. You fear you are not as patient with students as you need to be. Even when you are having a "good day" with your kids, toxic negativity is all around you on campus. It's hard not to get sucked into to complaining.

Your Solution is Here!

90 Minutes + Protecting Your Peace Mini-Course =

Everything You Need to Start Managing Teacher Stress TOMORROW!

You recognize the need to do something about the constant stress of the classroom, but the usual advice of "practice mindfulness" and "self-care" fall flat. You need tangible strategies - FAST!

You want to learn new coping skills but don't have the time to take "one more thing."

Then this course is perfect for you!


YES! I Want to Reclaim my Energy!

"These skills and lessons are great for all areas of your life - not just the classroom."


Donnette P., Program Director

I wish I could mandate all the staff to go through the bonus module on communication skills.  These skills and lessons are great for all areas of your life - not just the classroom. What a breath of fresh air Grace's vibe and ideas are. Gift yourself this course!


YES, I Want to Communicate with Less Stress!

IMMEDIATE Results for You:

-1- REDUCED STRESS knowing you can manage your emotions & you feel empowered to focus on what you can control (and not get worn out by the rest)
-2- IMPROVED MENTAL HEALTH sleep better, leave teacher "worries" at school &  protect your mental and emotional peace by recognizing habits you have that don't serve you
-3- CONFIDENCE to communicate with others in a way that is productive, professional and encourages a win-win mindset (bye-bye drama!)
Yes! I Want to Be Less Stressed!
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  • Having confidence that you can remain calm and in control no matter what your crazy teacher day throws at you. No longer living in fear that you will "lose it" with your students.
  • Kissing goodbye to the mental and emotional load of worrying about students when you are at home. You'll sleep better!
  • Letting go of the "guilt" of not being more present with your loved ones.
  • How rewarding teaching could be again once you have eliminated the crazy stress and overwhelm.
Yes, I Want to Feel Less Stressed!

"These are the types of classes we wished we had in our teacher training."

Cynthia F., Veteran Teacher

Having taught just about every level from primary to university over the last 50 years, I was amazed at how much I learned from Grace...she inspires teachers to feel empowered. These are the types of classes we wished we had in teacher training.


Yes! I Want to Feel More Empowered!

But Grace, Am I Ready To 

To invest 90 minutes of my time to reduce teacher stress, bring calm back to my day and protect my energy from toxic negativity?

Are You Ready ...

to invest one hour of your time to gain the confidence, clarity, and skills to take back control of your time and your energy?


Let's Find Out!

Perfect for you if:

  • You crave a less chaotic teaching experience
  • You need to prioritize your mental and emotional health
  • You want to feel more in control of your emotions and teaching experience 
  • You want to have productive, professional relationships with parents and colleagues
  • You are ready to learn and take action
  • You want to reduce anxiety & sleep better
  • You want to be more present with your family
  • You want to let go of the "Sunday Night Scaries" and the fear that this will be the week you "lose it" with your students

Not for you if:

  • You thrive on stress, chaos and overstimulation
  • You've already decided that "Nothing will work for me!"
  • You are waiting for your school district to come up with a plan to "save you" (Truth bomb: they won't)
  • You aren't willing to take simple steps to improve your teaching experience and regain balance
  • You enjoy being burned out & feeling that you have no control over your stress level
Yes, I'm Ready to Take Back Control of My Energy!

Look Inside: 

Protecting Your Peace for Educators:  Proactively Preserve Your Mental & Emotional Energy Inside & Outside the Classroom


Lesson 1: Nervous System Basics

Embrace calm. Learn why your nervous system is over activated in the classroom and how to calm the chaos. If you find yourself overwhelmed by all the sensory input and million decisions you need to make daily, this will help.

Lesson 2: Responding v. Reacting

Feel empowered. Learn to focus on areas that you can control and let go of the rest (usually where the drama lives).  Learn the power of responding versus reacting to people and situations. 

Lesson 3: Consuming Media with Intent

Gain clarity. Explore your mental diet and how it influences your mental and emotional well-being.




 Lesson 4: Tech Hygiene 

Develop better habits. Ensure that technology is making positive contributions to your well-being and learn strategies to clean up unhelpful habits.

Lesson 5: Protecting Yourself From Toxic Negativity

Protect your peace. Learn how to deal with chronic complainers and "energy vampires" with compassion and healthy boundaries.

Lesson 6: Dealing with Vicarious Trauma

Sleep better and ditch the "Sunday Scaries". Discover strategies to detach from student trauma when you leave campus. You will become more present with your family and other areas of your life.




Peaceful Partnerships Module

Bring peace to your relationships. Short and spicy lessons with mindsets and strategies to ensure positive relationships with parents and co-workers. Learn how to proactively set up collaborative partnerships and never again dread "difficult" conversations.


Complete Workbook

Comprehensive workbook with simple yet effective exercises to help you synthesize what you learn and turn it into ACTION!

Yes! I Want the Discount Package



#1  Six Snappy Video Lessons

(Yes, you really can knock it out in an evening!)

#2  Complete  Workbook

Short exercises to help you gain clarity and make an actionable plan.

#3  BONUS Module: Peaceful Partnerships

Learn the easy secrets to productive professional relationships. Never dread difficult conversations with parents or co-workers again. 

 #4 Lifetime Access

Pay once, use again and again for the lifetime of the course!

#5 Watch on the go!

Use the course platform App on your phone or tablet to have easy access to all the lessons. Or watch on your PC. So many convenient choices!

The Decision is YOURS

Here's the hard truth, teacher friends. Education is a tough gig, and the stressors aren't going away any time soon. If you want teaching to be sustainable (and dare I suggest, joyful?) YOU need to take action to learn these skills. 


Yes! I Want to Invest in ME!

The secret to how I discovered true teacher self-care ...  


In 2002 I traded in a cushy corporate career for life as a public school teacher. After years of anxiety, depression, and burnout in the corporate world, teaching was like a breath of fresh air! Teaching was a joy - and easy. Until it wasn't. 

Pretty soon, I was overwhelmed and back on the road to burnout. I realized I didn't need to change careers again; I needed to change ME. 

I became obsessed with studying NLP, neuroplasticity, positive psychology, and cognitive-behavioral therapy. I learned how to hack my mindset with simple habits to put joy back in my classroom and my life. In 2018, I turned those habits into a best-selling book, "Positive Mindset Habits for Teachers."  Teachers ask. me all the time, "How do you always remain so calm and positive?" The truth: I learned than when I prioritized protecting my mental and emotional health, everything changed for the better.

If I can learn these skills, anyone can! I've cut out all the fluff and put the best of what I know into this short, actionable course. Let me show you the way!

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Yes! A 100% Happiness Guarantee

This product has a 14 day money back guarantee. If you go through the training and are not satisfied, I will refund your money. 

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Grab Protecting Your Peace Course for Educators and start making your mental and emotional health a priority today!

Immediate Access!

Yes! I Want to Reduce Teacher Stress for Just $27!

Limited Discount ($108 value)

  • Reduced Stress knowing you can be empowered to focus on the things you can control
  • Improved Mental Health Habits using scientifically validated exercises (no yoga mats or meditation required!)
  • Better Relationships & Communication with parents and co-workers
  • Lifetime Access - Pay once, revisit the lessons any time you want
Yes! I Want the Discount Package

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