podcast for teachers cover for episode on increasing student engagement with project based learning

Dramatically Increase Student Engagement with Project Based Learning

podcast Feb 10, 2024

If you are interested in transforming student engagement and avoiding teacher burnout by making learning relevant and exciting, then this blog post is for you! It is based on my podcast interview with Ryan Steuer of PBL SImplified. To listen to the entire interview or read the transcript, Click Here

Reinvigorate Your Teaching with Project-Based Learning

Do you ever feel like your students are bored and disinterested during lessons? 😴 Are you frustrated with scripted curriculum that leaves no room for creativity? 😤 As teachers, we want our students to be engaged and empowered, not passive. That's where project-based learning (PBL) comes in! 💡

To dig into this student-centered teaching method, I interviewed Ryan Steuer, engineer, turned middle school teacher turned PBL expert. He breaks down what PBL is, how to implement it, and shares resources to get you started. Keep reading for a practical guide to shaking up your classroom with active learning!

What is Project-Based Learning?

Project-based learning is centered around students tackling real-world problems. Unlike passive learning focused on tests, PBL empowers students to:

  • Take ownership of their learning
  • Think critically to solve meaningful problems
  • Collaborate with others
  • Present their solutions

The result is increased engagement, improved skills, and deeper learning.

PBL units involve an anchoring project that integrates subject matter from different disciplines. This helps students see how skills apply in the real world instead of compartmentalized classes.

For example, students could research water pollution in their community and propose solutions to local government. This covers science, math, reading, writing, public speaking, and more!

Why Use Project-Based Learning?

Both students and teachers benefit from PBL:

Engaged Students

  • Students are active drivers of their learning, not passive participants. This leads to ownership and excitement!
  • Tackling real issues makes learning purposeful. Students work harder when they know their work matters.
  • Working collaboratively mirrors real life and builds teamwork skills.
  • Freedom to be creative and use different media for projects is highly motivating.
  • Presenting work to real audiences pushes students to do quality work.

Inspired Teachers

  • Designing PBL units fueled by your passions is deeply rewarding. Scripted curriculum burns teachers out.
  • Seeing students actively engaged, growing skills, and creating high-quality projects is so fulfilling!
  • Classroom management is easier with students immersed in meaningful projects.
  • Collaborating with colleagues to design and improve projects also builds community.

Project-Based Learning Step-By-Step

While each PBL unit will be unique, Ryan Steuer boils it down into 6 key steps. These steps are explored in depth in his book PBL Simplified: 6 Steps to Move Project-Based Learning from Idea to RealityThey are summarized below.

1. Define the Problem

First, identify a worthy problem to anchor the project. This can emerge from:

  • Teacher passion and expertise
  • Student interests
  • Needs in the local community
  • Academic standards that need coverage

2. Set Solution Criteria

Have students outline what a successful solution looks like. This helps them internalize learning goals and builds a rubric.

3. Research Solutions

Students dig into research to understand the problem and explore potential solutions. This is where key skills are built through your subject-matter instruction.

4. Select a Solution

From their research, students choose a solution to implement. Guide them in evaluating options and building consensus.

5. Test the Solution

Time to apply their learning! Students test and iterate on their proposed solution through a hands-on project.

6. Reflect

After completing the project, have students reflect on their learning process, successes, and areas for improvement. Celebrate growth!

Free Project-Based Learning Resources to Get You Started

Many teachers love the idea of PBL but don’t know where to start. Ryan offers tons of free resources:

Ryan also emphasized starting small instead of diving into a major unit right away. Get your feet wet with mini-projects tied to your regular curriculum before going all in.

Insider Tips on Being Successful with Project-Based Learning 

Drawing from his wealth of experience, Ryan shared valuable insights into effectively implementing PBL:

Scaffold Voice and Choice

Giving students complete free reign can be overwhelming, especially at first. Start by offering structured choices then increase autonomy as students gain skills.

Involve Community Partners

Having an authentic audience and clients for projects boosts student motivation tremendously. Reach out to local organizations that could benefit.

Sell It to Stakeholders

Get buy-in from administrators and colleagues by highlighting advantages like engagement, test scores, and community perception. Lead with benefits to students!

Gather Evidence of Impact

Track quantitative data and compelling stories showing PBL’s positive effects on behavior, grades, and learning. Numbers don’t lie!

Find Your Allies

Change is hard. Identify like-minded teachers interested in trying PBL and support each other. Influence radiates peer-to-peer.

Start Small, Then Expand

Rather than a major initiative right away, introduce mini-projects within your existing curriculum. This builds skills for bigger PBL units.

Customize Products, Not Process

While each project differs, following the 6 step process creates coherence. Adjust deliverables, not the approach.

Equipped with a PBL roadmap and resources, you can reignite your teaching. Bring bored students along on the journey to engagement and empowerment with you!

Inspiring PBL Success Stories

The best part of my talk with Ryan was hearing incredible examples of PBL in action:

Increased Scores

A low-performing Kentucky school introduced PBL school-wide. Within 2 years, they rocketed to the top of state testing! PBL gave students confidence and skills that translated into quantifiable learning gains.

Student-Designed Playground

Ryan shared how younger students created designs and advocated for a new handicap-accessible playground. They gained skills while improving their community - talk about empowerment! The playground also represented a source of ongoing pride.

Genetic Disease Projects

In a brilliant community partnership, 8th graders created informational pamphlets about genetic diseases to support newly diagnosed families. Students were motivated knowing their work had real importance.

Engaging the Disengaged

One story that stuck with me was about Luis, a chronically disengaged student. After starting PBL units, Luis became an eager participant. He found learning relevant and was able to use his strengths. A win for both student and teacher!

These powerful stories demonstrate PBL’s immense potential to reframe education.

Key Takeaways on Project-Based Learning

Here are the big ideas on PBL:

  • PBL boosts engagement by empowering students to tackle real issues collaboratively using creativity.
  • Teachers enjoy designing meaningful projects connected to standards and providing scaffolding for skill growth.
  • Follow the 6-step process: Define the problem, Set criteria, Research solutions, Select a solution, Test the solution, and Reflect.
  • Utilize free resources to get started and grow your skills with an online community.
  • Start small then expand in scope. Customize projects but use a consistent framework.
  • Quantify results and get stakeholder buy-in by focusing on benefits to students.
  • Partner with community organizations for authentic audiences and connections.

Project-based learning allows students and teachers to thrive. If you're feeling frustrated or burnt out with the status quo, give PBL a try. You and your students will be so glad you did!

Have you used PBL in your classroom? Share your experiences in the comments!


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