podcast for teachers episode Detach from School Stress: 5 Ways Teachers Can Enjoy a Worry Free Winter Break

Detach from School Stress: 5 Ways Teachers Can Enjoy a Worry Free Winter Break

podcast Dec 17, 2023

Giving Yourself Permission for a Worry-Free Winter Break

As teachers, the winter holiday is supposed to be a time for rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation. Yet too often we lay awake consumed by guilt for not working, worrying about lesson planning or an overflowing inbox. If this sounds familiar, know you’re not alone - but this break is your time. In this post, I’ll share 5 non-negotiable tips so you can completely detach from work and be present with loved ones.

I get it - leaving loose ends untied goes against every fiber of our being. The temptation to utilize “free time” to prep for January is strong. But just like we tenderly tell students that grades don’t determine their worth, we must tenderly tell ourselves that our value isn’t defined by output. This season is a rare gift to replenish your cup so you can pour back in when school resumes. You deserve it.

The Truth About Teacher Burnout

Before we dive into the how-to’s, let’s acknowledge the brutal truth about teacher burnout. Studies indicate up to 50% of educators leave the field within the first 5 years. It’s an epidemic linked to:

  • Mental/physical exhaustion
  • Disillusionment/loss of purpose
  • Lack of work-life balance

Heavy workloads, emotional toll of student trauma, and not enough recovery time all contribute to driving passionate teachers out of the classroom.

But here’s the good news - with intentional boundaries and self-care, you can push back against burnout! Learning to detach completely over school breaks is one critical piece.

When you return renewed rather than depleted in January, you’ll have more energy and inspiration to pass onto students. So let’s get you there!

Giving Yourself Permission to Rest Instead of Lesson Planning/Grading

Before outlining the tips, the first step is getting yourself to a place mentally where you believe, deep down, that you deserve - need - rest. Discussions around teacher “vacations” and “summers off” undermine how intensely demanding our work is. The truth? We are never really off.

That voice in your head shaming you for not working is not helpful or accurate. Here are some perspectives to challenge it:

  • Students get winter break to rest, and so should their teachers
  • Taking holidays off completely is a boundary that honors your humanity
  • Refueling benefits your long-term wellbeing and ability to show up for students 

Rather than seeing rest as lazy or indulgent, view it as an essential part of your tool belt as an educator. 

As I always say, "Your energy teaches more than your lesson plans!" and you need to rest in order to show up as your best self for your students.

5 Tips for a Worry-Free Break for Teachers

  1. Finish What You Can Before The Final Bell

Your first step is closing up shop on the semester as thoroughly as possible before that last kid leaves your classroom. Get students to help tidy up holiday décor and pack up projects to take home. Complete as much grading and lesson planning as you’re able for the first week back so you’re not starting from scratch.

Set the intention that when you walk out of the building, you are leaving work behind until January. This clean slate will make it easier to detach.

  1. Set Super Clear Boundaries Around Availability

You deserve space to step away, so set super clear boundaries about your availability over the break. Here are some ideas:

  • Set an away message on your email
  • Turn off notifications from school messaging apps - consider taking the apps off your phone for the break, it will only take a couple of minutes to put them back on!
  • Unsubscribe from parent emails/texts
  • Let your principal know you’re 100% offline and defer issues to January

Guard your time off zealously so you can be fully present with your people. Speaking of which...

  1. Survey Family About Most Meaningful Activities

The impulse may be to cram as much into this break as possible to compensate for earlier busyness. Resist overscheduling! Instead, ask each family member about one or two traditions or activities that feel truly meaningful to them. Then build your schedule around those with plenty of low key PJ days too. Less is more when it comes to true connection and remembering what the season is about!

  1. Designate a “Power Hour” for Lingering To-Do’s

Despite best efforts, some lingering work items may hang over your head. Rather than let them nag at you daily, contain them by designating a power hour at the end of break where you’ll tackle them.

Keep a running list. Anytime school-related thoughts or great new lesson plan ideas pop up, jot them down and tell yourself “I’ll revisit this during my power hour.” Containing it to this block preserves your peace while still feeling prepared.

  1. Prioritize True Rest

Finally, lean fully into restorative activities that revive your mind, body and spirit. Sleep in, move your body, nurture relationships, get out into nature. Disconnect from social media and news that leave you feeling drained rather than renewed.

Most importantly, give yourself permission to relax without an ounce of guilt! Remind yourself this rest equips you for the high demands of the job you love.

Embracing the Gift of Winter Break

Teachers, my hope is this post empowered you to embrace the gift of winter break and detach from school completely. This is NOT selfish, lazy or indulgent! It’s an essential part of avoiding burnout so you can sustainably do the work you’re called to.

Your most powerful offering is showing up renewed. So set those boundaries, lean into family time, and don’t look back until January. Give yourself the gift of worry-free rest!

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