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Thrive in teaching AND have a private life? Yes, it is possible!

You can learn how to separate school from home, transcend teacher guilt, and leave campus worry-free each day with time and energy for other things & people you love

Does This Sound (Painfully) Familiar? 


You love teaching, but you're tired of it being your whole life

Maybe (like me) being a teacher was your childhood dream. But the day-to-day reality of teaching is that you are constantly stressed, overwhelmed, and frustrated that there is more to do than any one mortal could possibly complete in one day - and so much of it has nothing to do with student success. Like most teachers, you work at least 10-15 hours a week in addition to your contracted hours. You love your students, but your life is out of balance and all about school, all the time.


You feel guilty that other people's children get the best of you 

Your family is frustrated about how many hours you work.  If you're a parent, you could just cry that you are missing your child's soccer game again, because you are busy at school with other people's children. When you do finally get home, you are exhausted and short tempered. You have zero energy to help your children with their school projects. You get to pile fear of judgement from your children's teachers onto your mom guilt.

If you're not a parent, you know that other relationships in your life are suffering because how out of balance your life is.


You worry that teaching in today's environment isn't sustainable

You don't sleep well. You spend more time tha you like to admit crying or fantasizing about doing something else with your career. You are worried that the educational landscape has taken a turn for the worse since the pandemic, and you honestly don't know if you can (or want) to make it until retirement in this field. Being a barista never sounded better.

I Want a Better Teaching Experience
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What If There Was a Different Way?

What if instead of being a victim of a struggling education system that is built on the foundation of teachers self-sacrificing to the point of exhaustion you could learn the skills, mindsets and tools to be EMPOWERED to control your own teaching narrative? 

What if you had proven strategies and scripts to put balance back in your life, put effective boundaries on your time, separate school from home and leave that teacher guilt behind once and for all?

What if you had an experienced coach who has a unique background of 20 years as a public school teacher PLUS a background in life coaching to show you the way?

Show Me a Better Way!
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  • Leaving campus each day at a reasonable time, with time and energy for everyone and everything else in your life that you love.
  • Reconnecting to the passion you once had for teaching, because you are no longer "running on empty."
  • Never again feeling that your mental, physical and emotional health and your family time need to be sacrificed just because you are a passionate educator.
  • Gliding gracefully through the school year instead of crawling, exhausted and living for "the weekend" (which you squander worrying about school).

"Made a positive impact in every area of my life, not just teaching..."

The Beatriz F. - Veteran Teacher & Vice Principal

 The modules on setting boundaries, dealing with toxic people, and separating my entire identity from revolving around my career made a positive impact in all areas of my life, not just teaching. These lessons can truly deliver balance and real world coping skills beyond just not being the last car in the parking lot.

Introducing "Balance Your Teacher Life" Program

  • A transformative  experience consisting of self-study video modules and exercises, with the option of 6 group coaching/Q&A Zoom calls over summer break.
  • Embark on a hero's quest where you learn how to use practical tools, go through the trials of creating better boundaries, separating school from home, and slaying the demon of teacher guilt.
  • Learn the skills and mindsets that no-one else is teaching: the skills to help you transform your chaotic teaching drama into a redemption story of balance and impact.
  • Learn at your own pace, without leaving your home, and with optional coaching calls to help you achieve the balance you deserve. You will have lifetime access to the course materials, so revisit them any time you need.

Let's DECIDE if this journey right for you ...

Perfect for you if:

  • You're fed up of toxic positivity "pep talks" & want real solutions
  • You crave a more balanced life where you leave work daily guilt-free
  • You're overwhelmed and want an experienced guide to lead and support you 
  • You know you want to stay in teaching but you need to stop feeling over-extended, resentful and living for the weekend (or the next break, or retirement)
  • You believe your quality of life and your emotional health are worth investing in

Not for you if:

  • You have bought into the teacher "martyr" myth and believe teachers aren't destined to have a balanced life
  • You're OK with missing out on other areas of your life that should be rewarding and joyful
  • You don't believe you are worthy of investing in yourself and your happiness
  • You aren't open to thinking in new ways and feeling more empowered in your life
Yes, This Is For Me!

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Why Choose To Do THIS During Your Precious Free Time?


#1  No one is coming to save you (not even me).

If you want next year (and beyond) to be different, YOU need to do something different. Spending your breaks doing a deep dive into the latest curriculum (the old just repackaged) will not change your teaching experience. The system isn't going to change any time soon, but you CAN CHANGE HOW YOU SHOW UP IN IT. You can learn to be empowered and take back control. You can change your teaching story.

#2 Created just for educators, BY an educator plus ...

Things have changed in the classroom. I have experienced this first hand. I taught all the way through the end of 2022. I also bring a broader perspective to the situation examining it through a lens of psychology, behavioral therapy and life coaching (at a fraction of the cost of what traditional life coaches charge).

#3 Did you ever sign up for something and not use it? Yeah, me too.

Self-paced study courses are great. You can return to the learning modules and the exercises any time you need them. But I'll be honest. Some people who buy courses don't complete them. Giving you the option to have a seasoned COACH on your side to encourage you, answer questions, and hold you gently accountable may be the magic potion you've been missing.



" The information is easy to follow, practical, and relevant to the challenges we are facing."

Donnette P. - Education Program Director

Working with Grace has been a game-changer. She mixes her experience and practical wisdom with humor and authentic caring. The information is easy to follow, practical and relevant to the challenges we are facing. This is the best investment in time and money I have made in a long time.

Snapshot of the Learning Modules (You'll Have Life-Time Access!) 

Module 1: Level Up Your Mindset

Gain clarity on your current reality. Reframe being the hero in your own story by learning the difference between being proactive & reactive. Separate who you are from what you do. Learn why people pleasing is so prevalent in education and how to break free from it.

Module 2: A New Framework & Tools

Start using all of the tools that will help you be successful on your journey. Discover where you are out of balance, where you are giving your power away, and create your compass for moving forward. Work your way through simple but powerful exercises to gain clarity and direction.

Module 3: Boundary Up, Baby!

Reframe common misconceptions and learn the boundary rules to confidently say "no" to all things from extra duties to pushy parents and demanding co-workers. You will discover your boundary blindspots and leave the module with an entire "boundary plan" to set yourself up for success.

Module 4: Separating School from Home

Learn how to school-proof your home. Develop healthy "closing rituals" and routines. Understand how much of yourself you share with school peeps and how to finally put yourself back on the schedule.

Module 5: Bye-Bye Teacher Guilt!

What's the point of physically leaving school if mentally your concerns are still there? Let's crush your limiting beliefs around what makes a good educator. Discover practical strategies to let go of vicarious student trauma so you can focus on the lives you can positively impact and not be bogged down with teacher guilt.

Module 6: Living in Your New Reality

Unlock the tools and practices to maintain your new empowered teaching reality. By thriving you will have a more balanced life and the renewed passion to inspire the next generation of change makers.


The true magic is in the BONUSES!


Six Group Zoom Calls OPTION ($600 value)

The difference between failure and success is going to be accountability and support. Imagine a community of like-minded educators who gather in a safe and confidential environment. You will have the unique opportunity to have me answer all of your questions and coach you along the way. Zoom not your jam? Email me your questions and I will answer them on the call and you can watch on the replay.

The COACHING option will take place over summer break, when teachers have the most flexibility to attend.


Peaceful Professional Relationships Course ($54 value)

The secrets to reducing teacher stress is knowing how to communicate effectively and professionally, while still setting appropriate boundaries. Follow the frameworks and never dread difficult conversations with parents and co-workers again. Everyone receives this bonus, whether you elect the self-study or course plus coaching option.


Ultimate Boundary Scripts Playbook ($27 value)

This is the ultimate playbook for setting boundaries in EVERY area of your life. It includes a section with all of your boundary scripts in one place - everything from shutting down inappropriate conversations in the staff room  to setting limits with family members who think that because you have summers "off" you should be at their beck and call. Everyone receives this bonus, whether you elect the self-study or course plus coaching option.

Yes! I NEED the Bonuses
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"These are the types of classes we wished we had in our teacher training."

Cynthia F. - Veteran Teacher

Having taught just about every level from primary to university over the last 50 years, I was amazed at how much I learned from Grace...she inspires teachers to feel empowered. These are the types of classes we wished we had in teacher training.

Meet Grace - Your Guide

I can't change your experience for you, but I can be your guide.

I went on my own hero's quest. I went on a few detours but I learned a lot to share along the way.

My first detour was into corporate life. For 13 years I was a successful VP with all the lifestyle glitter that came with it. But I was suffering from constant stress, anxiety and burnout.

In 2001 I traded that lifestyle in to follow my dream of being a public school teacher. Happy ending, right?

At first, teaching was like a breath of fresh air! I found spending my day with students and making an impact was a joy - and easy. Until it wasn't. 

Pretty soon, I was overwhelmed and back on the road to burnout. I realized I didn't need to change careers again; I needed to change ME. 

I did a deep dive into NLP, neuroplasticity, positive psychology, and cognitive-behavioral therapy. I learned how to hack my mindset with simple habits to put joy back in my classroom and my life. 

These new skills literally changed my life. In 2018, I turned those habits into the best-selling book, "Positive Mindset Habits for Teachers." 

After 20 years in the classroom (yes, during and after the pandemic) I have dedicated myself to empowering teachers and taking them on their own journey to a more positive and sustainable teaching experience.



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A 100% Happiness Guarantee

This program has a 14-day money back guarantee. If you work through the first two modules of this course and are not completely satisfied we will refund your money. 

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Let's Embrace a More Empowered Approach to Education

Coaching Option has - LIMITED SEATS! Please reserve your spot now if you know you want the coaching package.

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Self-Study Option

$ 127

One Time Payment

  • Put the balance back in my life
  • Be more present with my family
  • Ditch the overwhelm and make teaching sustainable 
  • Lifetime Access to the learning modules, exercises &  bonuses
Let's Do This!

Self-Study Option

$32 a month

4 Monthly Payments

  • Put the balance back in my life
  • Be more present with my family
  • Ditch the overwhelm and make teaching sustainable 
  • Lifetime Access to the learning modules, exercises & bonuses
Let's Do This!

Course Plus Coaching

$ 227

One Time Payment

  • Put the balance back in my life
  • Be more present with my family
  • Ditch the overwhelm and make teaching sustainable 
  • Lifetime Access to the learning modules, exercises &  bonuses
  • 6 Group Coaching Calls over summer 2025
Let's Do This!

Course Plus Coaching

$ 46

5 Monthly Payments

  • Put the balance back in my life
  • Be more present with my family
  • Ditch the overwhelm and make teaching sustainable 
  • Lifetime Access to the learning modules, exercises &  bonuses
  • 6 Group Coaching Calls over summer 2025 
Let's Do This!

RISK FREE - Sign Up With Confidence

This program has a 14-day money back guarantee. If you work through the first two modules of this course and are not completely satisfied we will refund your money. 

I know money is always tight ... But what will maintaining the "status quo" next year really cost you? 

Chances are if you continue with your current teacher path you are sacrificing your well-being and your relationships.You are trading a life of balance and impact for one of resentment and exhaustion. 
Hardly the stuff of epic adventures.
You simply cannot put a dollar value on your mental and emotional health. It's time to invest in yourself!

I know Money and Time are Tight ... But What Will "Maintaining the Status Quo" Next Year Really Cost You? 

Chances are if you continue with your current teacher path you are sacrificing your well-being and your relationships.You are trading a life of balance and impact for one of resentment and exhaustion. 
Hardly the stuff of epic adventures.
You simply cannot put a dollar value on your mental and emotional health. It's time to invest in yourself!
The truth is, 10 years from now the only people who will remember how many hours you spent at work or spent worrying about work will be your neglected loved ones.

Let's Answer Your Questions

Remember, Nothing Will Change Next Year Unless You Change

With our Happiness Guarantee you have nothing to risk and potentially so much to gain!

Don't just go along with the teacher martyr narrative - forge your own path and create a better reality for YOU, YOUR FAMILY, and YOUR STUDENTS.

Yes, I Want A Better Future